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An authentic style of feminine handwriting with a pencil

Who still writes by hand? And who still writes nicely? What constitutes beautiful handwriting anyway?


Printed scripts typically display uniform characters. Whereas normal calligraphy attempts to achieve this regularity as well, a personal handwriting style indeed lives from the irregularity of completely individual forms. An e is just not always the same, but can or must look very different depending on the letter which precedes or follows it.

Whenever an attempt was made to produce a typeface from calligraphy, these irregularities had to be dealt with in such a way that forms were discovered which always made a connection possible with the neighboring letters.

That’s why we have the unnaturally sterile characters of calligraphies which are available today as ”calligraphy scripts.“ With the help of ligatures, it is actually quite easy to come up with varied letter combinations in a typeface. But only with the introduction of the OpenType font formats is it possible to embed an adequate amount of ligatures and stylistic alternates in a font and to apply them in a simple manner.

In »Marleen Script« nearly 100 stylistic alternates for individual letters and more than 400 ligatures are included.

With these options it is finally possible to convincingly simulate the effect of true handwriting with a typeface.

So, the form of the single character seldom repeats itself since it is mostly replaced with a ligature; and, with each combination of characters the result is a slightly different form of the individual character. Type set in »Marleen Script« appears remarkably similar to a text actually handwritten with a pencil.

The characters of »Marleen Script« have intentionally been digitalized as a bit loose and irregular. Stylistic alternates are available for many of the letters, some even with various alternates to choose from, in order to produce a font with a very lively appearance.

The original for »Marleen Script« was created by Marleen Baumann from Augsburg in the spring of 2010 using a sharp pencil on rough handmade paper. In spite of irregularities, this font is aesthetical. Although most people rarely put forward an effort with their handwriting, in »Marleen Script« one can see the desire for an attractive form.

This typeface also fills a completely different kind of gap: finally, a ”typically female“ font. Spirited capital letters, the tendency toward loops and the obvious inclination toward the left are all common characteristics of ”female scripts.“

Requirements for the automatic application of the ligatures are that OpenType-Fonts can be used with your system.

Of course, the application of OpenType-Features in your program pre-settings must be activated.


Marleen Script

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  • 2 fonts: Marleen Script Normal, Medium

     File formats: OpenType-PS (.otf), OpenType-TT (.ttf), Webfonts

     Language support:

    Unicode Latin 1 (Western & Northern European languages);
    Unicode Latin Extended A (Central and Eastern European languages, Turkish)

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